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GPIO Configuration

The RockREMOTE GPIO can be configured in the UI under the GPIO section. This section is only available on hardware revision 2. To verify your hardware revision, go to System > Hardware Revision under the System Overview section. The hardware revision number will be followed by a letter, for example 2E. If the first number is 2, then your hardware supports GPIO and will be available in firmware version v1.3.0 or greater.


RR Port C

Outputs are Open-Drain. Floating = Float/disconnected. Low = Shorted to 0 V.

Inputs are Active-Low with internal pull-up. High = Float/disconnected. Low = Shorted to 0 V.

1⇄ 0 V
2⇄ 0 V
3← Input 1
4→ Output 1
5← Input 2
6→ Output 2
7← Input 3
8→ Output 3
9← Input 4
10→ Output 4

RockREMOTE Rugged

Serial IO


Outputs are Open-Drain. Floating = Float/disconnected. Low = Shorted to 0 V.

Inputs are Active-Low with internal pull-up. High = Float/disconnected. Low = Shorted to 0 V.

1BrownOutput 1
2BlueOutput 2
3WhiteSerial Comms
4GreenSerial Comms
5YellowSerial Comms
6GraySerial Comms
7PinkInput 2
8RedInput 1
12Light GreenReserved

Serial IO colour-coding is based on the optional 12pin cable accessory.

Local UI GPIO Configuration


Current IO Status

This section displays the current states of the GPIO pins, along with a corresponding pinout diagram. The diagram will vary depending on whether you are using the RockREMOTE or the RockREMOTE Rugged.

Pin: The pin number.

Mode: The current mode of the GPIO pin.

Value: The current value of the GPIO pin.

Changes: The number of times the GPIO pin has changed state since the device was booted or the mode of the pin was changed. This value only increments for input pins that are configured in a interrupt mode.

IO Settings

This section lists all of the GPIO pins and their current settings. The list starts with the inputs, followed by the outputs. When you apply these settings, they will be saved in the RockREMOTE's persistent configuration and will be re-applied when the device boots. During power-on and boot-up, the GPIO states are undefined, so they may not be usable while the RockREMOTE is booting.

Input settings

InputThe default mode. No input interrupts are enabled. The states in the UI will update depending on the input.
Input - Voltage RisingRising edge interrupt. When the input sees a rising edge, it will increment the Changes counter for that input. If GPIO unsolicited events are enabled, the GPIO state will be sent to Cloudloop Device Manager.
Input - Voltage FallingFalling edge interrupt. Same as above, but for a falling edge.
Input - Voltage ChangeChange edge interrupt. Same as above, but for any edge detection.
HighA change in state is detected if it has been stable for 50 milliseconds.
MediumA change in state is detected if it has been stable for 100 milliseconds.
LowA change in state is detected if it has been stable for 200 milliseconds.

Output settings

OutputThe only mode supported. The output can be set to Floating or Low.
FloatingThe output is not connected to anything.
LowThe output is shorted to 0 V.